Wendy's Declassified MapleStory Survival Guide

this will be a "survival" guide in the sense that in order to play this ancient game of maplestory, you need knowledge of the basic functions of the game. this guide will let you survive your first couple attempts at playing before it clicks. UwU
this page will be created using my knowledge on basic game functions in maplestory, such as how to use the UI and where buttons are located and how to change keybinds etc...
additionally, i am VERY new to building websites, but i would love for it to look pretty so im doing my best with just html/css, NO java or anything else. i want it to be very lightweight and fast, not sure if thats what it's gonna be, but we'll find out <3
the last thing i want to say is if you have any questions or suggestions for things i can add that you may confused on or think a new player might be, contact me at [email here] and i will be able to take it into consideration :3

links to some useful sites

Scardor's Event Calendar

Legion Grid Solver

Starforce Calculator

Flame Score Calculator

Hyper Stat Calculator

~in progress~
totallypants 2025